Friday, July 20, 2012

Thunderstorms & heat strokes

Current location: Warren, OK
Total miles traveled: 7,027 miles

Good evening from stormy Oklahoma! We were trying to make it to Memphis tonight, but obviously we were unsuccessful in that attempt! It was unbelievably and unmistakably miserably hot today. It was 107 in Kansas and Oklahoma today. I think the AC is broken on our bike because all I felt was hot air blowing on me all day. It was the hottest day thus far and we had to stop to hydrate every 50 miles just to avoid certain death. Vitamin water was my friend today. We even saw a bird that was dehydrated and walking around with his mouth wide open. Bless his little, hot heart!

Around 7, we stopped for dinner, and immediately regretted that decision as soon as we took off. The clouds were black as the day is long, and soon the sky began to light up. For the second night in a row and the fourth time this trip, we rode through a lightening storm. My husband is either really brave or really stupid because he drove for about 30 miles in the nasty mess. When I say lightening, I don't mean boom, pow, lightening. I mean lightening that surrounds you and is so close you can almost touch it. I was terrified. We went through Checotah, OK which is Carrie Underwood's hometown and I couldn't even look around because I was so nervous!

Well, finally he decided it was no longer safe, so he decided to pull over and finally get a room. Holiday Inn? No. Best Western? Nope. Hilton? Not this time. Where you might ask? Well, friends, my husband decided to take me to the dumpiest, nastiest, ghettoest, and worst hotel in the entire United States. Here we are... The sleepy traveler inn. Seriously. It has a key to open the door, no Internet, and the mold is growing mold here. I washed my hands in the stinky sink. As I am finishing my hand washing, I got ready to turn the sink off, and the whole darn knob came off in my hands!!! I started screaming and Ricky had to put the two pieces back together. I think somebody snuck it back together after they broke it last time someone stayed in this room. That we probably in 1992, but nonetheless. Then, I went to get in the shower and oh my gosh, you will not believe what happened... The knob in the shower also came off in my hand!!!!!!! I swear, I do not do well with these cheap and dumpy hotels. I will be glad to spend some time tomorrow in a nice hotel!

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