Thursday, July 5, 2012

Keith Stone

Current location: Keystone, SD
Total miles traveled: 2,005 miles

Oh the things I do for mountain men! Today was unbelievably, ridiculously, crazy hot. We had to stop every 50 miles just to buy vitamin water and Gatorade. I thought I was going to have a heat stroke. While driving over a beautiful lake in southern South Dakota, I considered the implications of throwing myself off the bridge into the water. We stopped at some silly tourist trap with a giant buffalo in the front yard. While there, I ate some starbursts (my weakness!) to get my sugar up, drank a bottle of water and I was a-ok!

Before our hot day, my husband took me to a sketchy, questionable restsurant next to our hotel. I think he wants to me to die so that he can get rich off of my state of NC retirement. He said it looked clean to him; however, there was no posted sanitation score and the waitress looked pretty hardcore.

I'm pretty sure that a lady in a gas station thought that I was deaf today. While on the bike, I wear earplugs to block out the sound of the wind I my ears. Sometimes, during quick stops, I just run into the store with the earplugs still in. Today, a lady seriously thought I was deaf. She rang up my drinks and snacks, and then instead of telling me my total, she pointed to it on the screen and yelled "$6.17!!" I swiped my card and told her thank you, but it was odd nonetheless.

Finally, we were a victim of a tourist trap! We found South Dakota's very own South of the Border. It was called Wall Drug. Google it. It was pretty neat. Mostly little tacky souvenirs, but there was also a Harley Davidson store (of course because where there is money to be made, HD is there. I love our motorcycle, and I am so glad we are driving it cross country, but really Harley? $30 for a shirt? You gotta do better!), a drug store that was old fashioned, an ice cream shop, and a restaurant. It was like a classy SOTB. Very cool!

Something stung Ricky on the ear today and he has a swollen ear. It's pretty nasty looking so I hope it heals soon. It's nothing compared to our last trip when he took out a bird with his face. That was scary and awkward.

Tomorrow, we will visit Mount Rushmore. We can just make out the big rock heads from our hotel, but tomorrow, we will get an upclose view. I hope it is as cool as the Grand Canyon.

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