Saturday, July 21, 2012


Current location: Nashville, TN
Total miles traveled: 7,639 miles

Good morning y'all! It's great to be back in the south where people smile and hold doors for you!

Ricky would like for me to clarify that the reason he made me stay in the lovely hotel where the knobs kept falling off is because it was the only hotel for 10 miles and it was unsafe to continue driving in the lightening. He is correct, I suppose, so now you know!

Yesterday, we made it to Memphis and man it was an awesome day! It was one of the best days yet, actually. When we arrived in Memphis, we decided to visit Sun Studio which is the location where Elvis, Johnny Cash, Ike Turner etc. made their very first records. When we pulled in, the parking lot was almost full and there were two cops talking to a man next to his car. Ricky said he thought our bag (with our iPad, all our clothes, everything we have etc) would be fine out in the parking lot for an hour while we toured the studio. We got inside and the lady at the desk said that we shoulda be ok because there were cops out there now... Because that guy had gotten broken into!!! Ahhh. That had me nervous, but she let us leave our bag in their closet, which made me feel a lot better.

The studio was awesome! We were allowed to see the original amp that Ike Turned used to make the very, very first rock n roll song with. We also saw Elvis' diploma, social security card (weird), and high school talent show program. We even got to walk the same halls that Johnny Cash walked. Amazing. We got our pictures taken with a microphone used by Elvis and Johnny Cash. It was fabulous!

We also visited St. Jude's hospital. We donate money each year, and it is a truly wonderful organization. We didn't go inside, but it was nice to see it from afar. They do a lot of great work in that place.

We did not visit Graceland and if you are wondering why, look at what happened at Sun a few hours before. :) To get to Graceland, you park, and ride a bus over. We were not feeling good about leaving our stuff on the bike, so we decided to bypass and we will plan another vacation soon to see this part of history! :)

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