Monday, July 9, 2012

Stressful in Seattle

Current location: Vancouver, WA
Total miles traveled: 3,629 miles

Oh Seattle, I sure hope we meet again one day... Just not on the motorcycle next time, please!

Today, we did so much driving that I was actually sore for the first time this trip because of the miles we covered today. Seattle was our main goal, and although it was very lively and pretty, it was not very motorcycle friendly. There were steep roads that were mostly one way and the traffic was extremely congested. On a motorcycle, the way the engine cools is with air, and the only way air can be received is through movement. We kept having to turn the bike off so it wouldn't overheat.

We tried to visit the space needle, but there were absolutely no safe places to park our bike with all of our luggage on the back. We decided to skip it because all of the sketchy people looked like they might enjoy taking an iPad from our bag.

We spent about 1/2 the day in Seattle, but we were glad to get back to the small towns after we left. I never would have thought it, but Washington is very scarcely populated. It reminded us of Kansas because of how rural and mostly flat it was until we got to Seattle.

Mt. Saint Helens is absolutely gorgeous. I was a little nervous driving near it since it is an active volcano, but we made it out just fine. She hasn't erupted since the 1980s so let's face it people, she is due to blow any day now. The volcano is so massive that it almost looks fake in the sky. It's bigger than any mountain I have ever encountered in all my many years.

On our drive to Vancouver, we saw beautiful sights. The Columbia River is gorgeous and probably my favorite aside from the volcano. Tomorrow, we hope to get pretty far into Oregon, but really, we are just hoping to stay dry. Since we are 5 miles from the state line, we've pretty much made it though Washington with no rain. It would be great if Oregon could be the same!

PS - there is a town called George in the state of Washington. Hey man, where do you live? Duh dude. I live in George, Washington!

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